Sweaty palms, heart racing, millions of thoughts speeding through your head? All these and more
signs of stress and anxiety. Stress can wreak havoc on your well-being—physically, mentally, and
We all struggle with stress, especially with the ills we face in modern living. Many people deal
with stress by exercising or other less beneficial methods while others try to ignore their
feelings, allowing them to build up and affect their health.
Stress is a common result of being in an unfamiliar or unwelcoming situation. It causes one to
unwell and makes insignificant problems seem larger than they are. For instance, some people
about their financial situation, while others might stress about a rocky relationship with a
or partner. We all have unique fears and anxieties and different ways of dealing with stressful
situations and challenges.
Although we cannot permanently eradicate stress, the good news is that we can reduce its
side effects by exercising and practising yoga is one of the best methods. By learning how to
your body and mind, breathing more effectively, and practicing a series of asanas, yoga will
reduce the symptoms of stress.
★What’s more, like most forms of exercise, yoga can boost your body’s production of
such as endorphins which are essential to cultivating happiness, health, and feelings of
Endorphins, which are released when you do any form of exercise, play an important role in
physical pain and negative emotions.
From beginner-friendly poses to the intricate eagle, not all yoga poses are equal. Each has its
unique benefits from improving your posture to relieving headaches and insomnia, while also
restoring your nervous and lymphatic system.
★A simple pose for both beginner and intermediate yogis—Easy Pose or Sukhasana is an
therapeutic pose which calms the mind and reduces stress and anxiety.
Adding the forward bend helps increase the exhale, leading to the relaxation response.
Sukhasana stretches:
Your lower body areas such as your knees, ankles, hips, groin, and outer thighs.
Sukhasana helps with:
Easy Pose helps with the gradual strengthening of the back muscles and improves body
★How to do Easy Pose
★Uttanasana has many benefits which include quieting a busy mind, promoting calmness, and balancing the nervous system. It’s also mostly used as a transition between poses.
Uttanasana stretches:
Your hamstrings, calves, hips, and back.
Uttanasana helps with:
Standing Forward Fold helps to reduce stress and fatigue,
stimulates the liver and kidneys, and relieves headaches and insomnia.
★Child’s pose is perfect for quieting a busy mind and soothing the adrenals. When we
excessively, we put pressure on our adrenal glands (located above the kidneys). This can
lead to
This pose allows you to embrace your inner child, hence the name Child’s Pose.
Balasana stretches: Your back, hips, thighs, and ankles.
Balasana helps with: Child’s Pose can help to reduce stress and restore the nervous and lymphatic systems.
★How to do Child’s Pose
★ Eagle Pose or Garudasana is an intricate pose allowing you to “squeeze” out the
tension in
your body and focus on your balance, helping to alleviate stress and improve your
Garudasana stretches: Eagle Pose is perfect for stretching the whole body — your thighs, hips, calves, ankles, shoulders, and upper back.
Garudasana helps with: Eagle Pose stimulates the immune system and improves balance.
★How to do Eagle Pose★Bridge Pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana acts as a mild inversion, with the heart higher than the head. It helps calm the brain and central nervous system, promote ease and relaxation, alleviate stress, anxiety, and mild depression.
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana stretches: Bridge Pose stretches your chest, neck, spine, hips, and back.
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana helps with: Bridge Pose strengthens the back, buttocks, and hamstrings, improves digestion and the circulation of blood. It helps lower high blood pressure and can help with backaches, fatigue, insomnia, and headaches. It also stimulates the lungs, thyroid, and abdominal organs.
★How to do Bridge Pose
★The Extended Triangle Pose is the perfect full-body stretch to help relieve
stress and
reduce anxiety. The pose is a standing asana in modern-day yoga and includes
variations such as
Baddha Trikonasana and Parivrtta Trikonasana.
Trikonasana stretches: Extended Triangle Pose helps stretch your lower body areas such as the knees, thighs, and ankles.
Trikonasana helps with: Extended Triangle Pose helps with digestion, sciatica, and osteoporosis.
★How to do Extended Triangle Pose:
★Cat Pose or Marjaryasana is another asana which helps relieve stress, increase spinal flexibility and mobility and create emotional balance.
Marjaryasana stretches: Cat Pose mostly focuses on stretching the lower back, but the movement also stretches the muscles of the hips, upper back, and lungs. Cat Stretch held at its peak, releases tension in the upper back and neck.
Marjaryasana helps with: The asana flow (moving from one posture to another, seamlessly, using breath), helps relieve stress from menstrual cramps, lower back pain, and sciatica. It also massages and stimulates organs in the belly like the kidneys and adrenal glands.
★How to do Cat Pose:★Commonly using a wall, the Legs-up-the-wall Pose or Viparita Karani is a fully supported asana. Having your legs up against a wall helps reduce stress and is a great pose to do before bed-time as it calms your mind and heart.
Viparita Karani stretches: Legs-up-the-wall helps stretch the back of your legs and neck, and chest.
Viparita Karani helps with: Legs-up-the-wall asana facilitates lymph drainage, increased blood circulation, and allows the return of blood back to the heart.
★How to do Legs-up-the-wall Pose:★Usually, the last asana in yoga is the Corpse Pose or Savasana. It is generally considered the most calming part of the class. This pose promotes a sense of physical and emotional grounding, puts the whole body at ease, and leads to total relaxation.
Although it seems as if someone is simply laying on the ground, the pose is much trickier in reality. Even though most students are able to easily twist and bend their way through a yoga class, simply lying still on the floor is quite a struggle for some. Relaxation doesn’t happen on demand. Savasana helps fade away fears and worries, as the student gradually sinks into a complete state of relaxation.
Once you’ve mastered Corpse Pose, it’s extremely rewarding, as it relaxes your breathing, improves concentration, calms the mind, and improves mental health.
Savasana helps with: Corpse Pose helps with insomnia and is an excellent asana for stimulating blood circulation.
★How to do Corpse Pose: